Food HealthLifestyleSleeping

Everyone needs adequate sleep to stay healthy and functional

What is beauty sleep? Everyone’s beauty sleep is the same?

Everyone needs adequate sleep to stay healthy and functional

Everyone needs adequate sleep to stay healthy and functional

Many of us use the word ‘beauty sleep‘. Who is this beauty sleep? Does beauty really have anything to do with sleep?

In fact, the amount of sleep that is enough to keep a person healthy and alive is called beauty sleep.

Everyone needs adequate rest and sleep to stay healthy and active. However, the duration or amount of this sleep may be different for different people. Some people can function on little sleep, while others need more sleep.

How to understand that not enough sleep?

Feeling tired all-day

Loss of attention and forgetfulness

Bad mood, easily angered

Lack of enthusiasm for work repeated mistakes

If you don’t get enough sleep despite your efforts, it is called insomnia. If this problem is prolonged or severe, then a doctor must be consulted.

However, certain habits can be helpful for getting enough sleep and rest

  1. Sleep only as long as you feel rested. Then get out of bed.
  2. Try to sleep at a certain time every day.
  3. There is no need to force yourself to sleep if you do not want to sleep. When sleepy, go to bed.
  4. Try not to consume tea, coffee or caffeinated foods or drinks after mid-afternoon.
  5. It is better if the bedroom is quiet and comfortable.
  6. Don’t worry about the problems of the day while sleeping.
  7. Do regular physical exercise. But don’t exercise right before bed.
  8. Stop using TV, mobile phone, tablet, or computer one hour before going to bed.

Adequate sleep and rest are very important for mental and physical health.

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