
Do this exercise when you wake up in the morning and watch the magic

Do this exercise when you wake up in the morning and watch the magic

Practicing a simple exercise regularly can change your life. Yoga experts think so. So you can practice a simple exercise regularly in the morning. After waking up for a healthy and beautiful life.

Gymnasium experts say that you can choose a simple exercise for regular practice. This will not only ensure physical beauty. Along with this, mental health will also improve.

The easiest exercise to choose to practice regularly after waking up in the morning is Vajrasana. This asana is the easiest among the various asanas.

Rules for Practicing Sarvangasana:

First lie down and slowly raise both your legs. Now break both the hands from the elbows and hold them on both sides of the waist. and bring the waist and legs straight up with emphasis on the elbows. Raised toes in a 90 degree position with the toes next to the head. Practice like this three times a day with the snout on the chest.

After practicing this asana there is a rule to do Shavasana once.


Although it seems to be the easiest asana, doing Shavasana requires mental stability. Lie on your back and spread your legs. Keep both hands close to the body on both sides. Keep both palms relaxed. close your eyes after lying down like this for a while, slowly sit up. It will calm both the mind and the brain.

The benefits of practicing these exercise at specific times every day are:

  1. There will be no negative pressure on the body.
  2. Increases blood circulation which increases skin radiance.
  3. Regular exercise improves hair health and strengthens the roots. As a result, hair does not fall out easily. Instead, it is longer, thicker and stronger than before.
  4. Relieves joint pain.
  5. Waist, shoulders, knees and ankles are strengthened.
  6. Prevents numbness in feet.
  7. Increases digestion.
  8. Insomnia problem is eliminated.
  9. Increases peace of mind.
  10. Reduces risk of arthritis.
  11. Increases the supply of oxygen which keeps the body healthy and fresh.

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